Sudo dpkg -i blender-data_2.79.b+dfsg0-7_all.deb Then work your way through this list of dependencies etc. Get the blender 2.79b build package (oddly the last thing you will install!). Dependencies on other dependencies, but still, there's only 48 ish.

I've listed the packages you will need in the (rough order) you can just systematically go through them all if you like, this was trial and error for me to get this running.

Sitting comfortably and ready to click links to download? The hardest part of this is downloading all the required packages by hand. This is not for the feint of heart, but I can confirm it does work (at least for me!) We're going to go digging in some debian archives. After an evening of searching how to get back Blender 2.79b on Bullseye after the update I finally stumbled on a (long winded) solution.